Mastercard Priceless Specials FAQs
What is Priceless Specials?
Priceless Specials offers unbeatable value with Buy One Get One Free offers at the best restaurants, spas, fitness outlets, entertainment across the Middle East and Africa.
How does the Priceless Specials work?
Download Priceless Specials from the app store into your smartphone. Follow the instructions to register an account. To redeem, simply tap on the offer on your phone and follow the process to redeem it when you ask for the bill at the outlet.
How do I see the different merchants available within the products?
You can view merchants filtered by category and location, as well as search for specific merchants, offers and hotels. Enter your search terms in the fields and see which all merchants and offers are available to you.
How long are Priceless Specials products valid for?
Mastercard Priceless Specials offers are valid for one year, running from January 2nd until December 30th each year, excluding public holidays and other specific days – all of which are mentioned in our Rules of Use within the Mastercard Priceless Specials App.
What are the restrictions on the offers?
Our offers have very few restrictions and are valid throughout the year, excluding some key public holidays and exclusions. Please see the Rules of Use for more information on which public holidays by location.
Offers are only valid when paying with a Mastercard card.
How many offers may I use at one time?
A maximum of 4 offers can be used at one time, regardless of which product the offers appear in. You can use 1 offer per 2 people and a maximum of 4 offers for 8 guests. In most cases, you must be using 1 offer for at least 2 persons visiting with any of our merchants – Beauty & Fitness offers which may be redeemed both times by the same person. For example, a group of four at a restaurant can redeem with 2 main course offers per bill.
Where can I download the Priceless Specials?
Download Priceless Specials from the Apple App Store, and Google Play Store. Click on the below link to download to your device:
Google Play:
Who operates the Priceless Specials App?
The Priceless Specials App is operated and managed by our trusted partner The Entertainer FZ LLC and its group of companies. When you open the App and click on the Privacy Policy, End User Licence Agreement or the Terms of Use, you’ll see that they are provided by The Entertainer FZ LLC and its grroup of companies. These documents form an agreement between you and The Entertainer FZ LLC and its group of companies to govern the use of the App. The Entertainer FZ LLC and its group of companies is the operator of the Priceless Specials AppThe Entertainer FZ LLC and its group of companies is Mastercard’s trusted partner to provide you with the best online experience to access our Priceless Specials offers.
Which languages can I use my Priceless Specials App in?
We’re bi-lingual! Use your Priceless Specials in English and Arabic.
How do I log in via another device?
To log in on another device, simply download the Priceless Specials App from your App store. Once installed, you can log into your account on up to 10 devices. Ensure that you use the same credentials (registered email, first digits of your Mastercard card and password).
How do I log someone out of my account?
We advise our customers that they should share their account with trusted family members, however, should you need to log someone out of your account you can log into your account and select ‘Change Password’.
I forgot my password. How can I sign in to the Priceless Specials App?
Forgot your password? Simply tap on ‘Forgot Password’ and you’ll receive an email from us with detailed instructions on resetting your password.
Do I need an internet connection to redeem Priceless Specials offers?
Yes, to redeem Priceless Specials offers, you need to be connected via Wi-Fi or mobile data.
How do I redeem a Priceless Specials offer from the Priceless Specials app?
⦁ When requesting your bill notify the merchant that you intend to redeem a Priceless Specials offer
⦁ Tap on the offer you wish to redeem
⦁ Ask the merchant to enter their PIN
You’ll then get a success screen showing your estimated savings amount, which you can share to Facebook or Twitter for bragging rights and kudos.
If I go to a participating outlet and I hit redeem on an offer on my Priceless Specials App account and find that they do not accept the offer for some reason, can I cancel the redemption?
You can cancel the redemption at any point until the teller successfully enters their merchant PIN. However, if the teller has entered their merchant PIN and the redemption is complete, it cannot be reversed. We are unable to reinstate offers within the Priceless Specials app.
Can I see how much I have saved?
Yes, when you successfully redeem an offer you will see an estimate of how much you have just saved. If you go to the ‘Savings’ tab within the App menu, you will see the total amount of estimated savings you have made since using your mobile App.
Do I have access to the Rules of Use via my App?
Yes, you can easily access the Rules of Use from each Offer in your app and via the profile settings in your app.
How do I retrieve the redemption code for a redeemed offer?
If you need to retrieve the redemption code to give to the merchant, please follow the below steps:
1. Select a category such as Food & Drink
2. Select the three dots at the bottom of the screen
3. Select “Redemption History” from the menu list
4. Click on the offer you wish to take the number from
How can I contact you for support/questions?
Need some more information that hasn’t been covered? No worries, send us an email on: priceless.specials@theentertainerme.com
My payment isn’t working?
We accept Mastercard cards only. Ensure the card you are using for booking is a Mastercard. If your payment still isn’t going through, send us a screenshot of the error page on: priceless.specials@theentertainerme.com
How long would I have access to Priceless Specials?
Priceless Specials is an open app - you will have access to offers for as long as you have the App.
Is Priceless Specials 100% free?
Yes, Priceless Specials is 100% free and available to Mastercard debit and credit cardholders in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Jordan, Lebanon and South Africa.
Where is Priceless Specials available?
Priceless Specials is available in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Jordan, Lebanon and South Africa. Stay tuned on our social pages for new location announcements!
Why do I have to input my first card digits in my Priceless Specials account?
We ask this to verify that you are a Mastercard user. We store all card details in a PCI compliant vault, and all data is entirely secure.
What are the offer types?
Offers within the Priceless Specials app are percentage discount and buy one get one free in four categories: Beauty & Fitness, Food & Drink, Attractions & Leisure and Travel.
I’ve upgraded my Mastercard credit/debit card, how do I upgrade my Priceless Specials account?
Ready for an upgrade? Contact us on priceless.specials@theentertainerme.com to upgrade your account to your new credit/debit card.
What are the different tier types in Priceless Specials?
We have five tiers depending on the Mastercard credit/debit card you hold:
• Gold
• Titanium
• Platinum
• World
• World Elite