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Chili's - Abu Dhabi

4 (based on 204 people)

  • American
Chili’s has been awarded the Superbrands title for the eleventh consecutive time for its quality food, quality beverages and quality service delivered in a friendly and casual atmosphere, embodying the true casual dining experience. A great place ... More

ENTERTAINER Abu Dhabi 2024

All offers are valid until 30th December 2024.
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Chili's - Abu Dhabi

We invite you to enjoy a complimentary Main Course when a Main Course of equal or greater value is purchased.

  • AED 60 Estimated savings
  • Valid until 30th Dec 2024
  • Rules of Use
Chili's - Abu Dhabi

We invite you to enjoy a complimentary Main Course when a Main Course of equal or greater value is purchased.

  • AED 60 Estimated savings
  • Valid until 30th Dec 2024
  • Rules of Use
Chili's - Abu Dhabi

We invite you to enjoy a complimentary Main Course when a Main Course of equal or greater value is purchased.

  • AED 60 Estimated savings
  • Valid until 30th Dec 2024
  • Rules of Use
Chili's - Abu Dhabi

We invite you to enjoy a complimentary Main course when a Main course of equal or greater value is purchased.

Chili's - Abu Dhabi

We invite you to enjoy a complimentary Main course when a Main course of equal or greater value is purchased.

Chili's - Abu Dhabi

We invite you to enjoy a complimentary Main course when a Main course of equal or greater value is purchased.

Chili's - Abu Dhabi

We invite you to enjoy 25% off total bill.

Chili's - Abu Dhabi
Bana ghannam (8 months ago )
Staff are so friendly and polite. The place is nice with nice view. The salad was ok. The sampler was a disaster. Very very bad. Especially the sliders is a very bad meat quality and bad smell. The manager was nice and changed the beef sliders to a chicken sliders were much better but still chili’s became so bad in the UAE.
Chili's - Abu Dhabi
Mixx Santigul (9 months ago )
The food was okay not that special. The staff was nice. They were polite and gave us suggestions for the food. The price was little high comparing with the quality and quantity of food.. However, i enjoyed having dinner there.
Chili's - Abu Dhabi
Rasha Aman (9 months ago )
I am reviewing poor customer service.. I have ordered a delivery of three main courses and received a kids meal instead, I gave the wrong item back to the delivery man and called chilis, the person in charge of delivery accused me for not returning the wrong order we received before apologizing or fixing my problem or sending me the right food as I had guests. By the time they realized their wrong order and that we have returned the wrong item, they called and apologized and said they can not fix it now because the restaurant is closed and that they will refund me! This process took like 2 hours of phone calls and headache and we were so disappointed honestly.
Chili's - Abu Dhabi
SAK (a year ago )
Didn’t get the chance to take a photo before eating. From my specifically the service was good but the food quality and steak taste wasn’t at an expected quality didn’t like it to be honest kind of old ! Wrongly stored food. Which they consider the quality over the quantity even if this means limiting the menu items.
Chili's - Abu Dhabi
Ali Williamson (10 months ago )
We came to Chili’s because of a promotion advertised through a third party (Entertainer,). Though it was not clearly advertised, the menu items we came for were not a part of the promotion. Eric the manager did a tremendous job of resolving the issue. He did what a good business should do with a misleading promotion, respect the customer. We were able to get what we came for and Eric earned Chili’s another visit from a happy customer. Thank you Eric.